Something to Think About

When you leave a session at a networked computer like the ones in HA 408 without logging off the campus network, the next person to sit down at that computer has access to all of the stored files on your p: drive, your email messages, ... . If this doesn't bother you, OK (and consider yourself forewarned!), but you should also think about that person's possible aggravation as he or she has to take the trouble to "clean up after you" and log you off. You wouldn't like it; neither will they. What can you do? Read on.

Logging Off and On

At the end of a session, when you get out of Windows, you may land back in DOS either logged on the C: drive or the F: drive. If you see the C:> prompt, type in F: and press ENTER. Then from the F:> prompt, type in the command logout and press ENTER (this should produce a string of messages saying you have been logged off one or more campus network servers, then another F:> prompt).

To start a session on the campus network, from DOS, if you see a C:> prompt, type in F: and press ENTER. Then from the F:> prompt, type in the command login and press ENTER. This will produce the Novell login screen, with a prompt for your username. This must be entered in the "full context" form. For instance, if you are a first-year student:


(note the period BEFORE your username).

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