Mathematics 36, section 1 -- AP Analysis

Review Sheet for Exam 3

November 24, 1997

General Information

As per the syllabus given out at the beginning of the semester, it's almost time for the third midterm exam. This exam will be given the Friday of the week after Thanksgiving, December 5. The format will be similar to that of the other exams this semester.

Topics to be Covered

This exam will cover the material we have discussed since Exam 2, starting from applications of integrals, through the material on differential equations and growth models, and concluding with the material on parametric curves from class on Monday, December 1. The topics are:

  1. Applications of integration (setting up problems via Riemann sums; in limit a definite integral is obtained) -- volumes by slices, arclengths, physical examples like mass from non-constant density functions, etc. (A copy of the table of integrals from the text will be provided with the exam; any integral you need to compute will be do-able by some combination of substitution, integration by parts, and/or consultation with the table).
  2. Differential equations -- slope fields and solutions
  3. Solving differential equations via separation of variables and integration,
  4. Exponential and logistic population growth models.
  5. Systems of differential equations, phase plane trajectories, and parametric curves.

Review Session

If there is sufficient interest, I would be happy to hold a late afternoon or evening review session for this exam either on the afternoon of Wednesday, December 3 or during the afternoon or evening of Thursday, December 4. I have a commitment Wednesday evening (the Holy Cross Chamber Orchestra concert), so that time is not good for me. We can discuss this in class on Monday, December 1 and set it up.

Some good review problems

From the text:

Sample Exam

THE EXAM PROBLEMS WILL DEAL WITH DIFFERENT GEOMETRIC AND PHYSICAL SITUATIONS, AND DIFFERENT DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS MODELING BEHAVIOR. BE SURE YOU UNDERSTAND THE METHOD USED TO DERIVE THE SOLUTION -- DO NOT JUST MEMORIZE THE SOLUTIONS OF THESE PARTICULAR PROBLEMS. It may help, as a part of your preparation, to set aside 50 minutes or so and take this as a practice test. Solutions will be distributed via the course homepage so that you can check your work.

I. A solid has base equal to the triangle with corners at (0,0), (2,0), and (0,1) in the xy-plane. Its cross-sections by planes perpendicular to the x-axis are semicircles (with diameter extending the full width of the base at that point).

II. A wire in the shape of the graph y = x2, x in [-1,2] has density 4-x at the point (x,x2).

III. The population of fish in a lake is attacked by a microscopic water-borne parasite at t = 0, and as a result the population declines at a rate proportional to the square root of the population from that time on.

IV. A wheel of radius 1 rests on the x-axis in the plane and rolls without slipping to the right at a constant rate. A marked point attached to a radial spoke of length 3/2 follows the path
(x(t),y(t)) = (t + 3 sin(t)/2, 1 + 3 cos(t)/2)