Mathematics 136, section 4 -- AP Calculus

Lab Day 3: Families of Curves and Critical Points

October 1, 2003


In class on Monday we introduced the language of critical points, local maxima and local minima. Today we will apply those to study a new topic: families of curves. In many circumstances, we might need to understand the behavior of a collection of functions that are defined by a formula f(x,a) that contains both the variable x and some other constant parameter a. The graphs form a family of curves in the plane. As a varies, the positions and even the types of critical points of f(x,a) can change. We will investigate some interesting examples of this using Maple today. In the process, we will also start to see some of the power of Maple for performing symbolic and numerical calculation (in addition to graphics).

Lab Activities

Lab Assignment

Prepare a Maple worksheet showing all your computations, graphs, and answers for questions A,B,C above. Due: Monday, October 6.