Mathematics 373 -- Applied Mathematics 1 (PDE)

February 27, 2001

Fourier Sine and Cosine Series, Solutions of the Heat Equation

Consider the function [Maple Math] on the interval [0,3]

(This could represent something like an initial temperature distribution in a heat

conduction problem.)

> f := x -> piecewise(x < 3/2, x, x >= 3/2, exp(-x));

[Maple Math]

In our work on BVP for the heat equation, we would expand functions like this in series

using the appropriate eigenfunctions for the problem at hand. Two particular cases

were the Fourier sine series:

[Maple Math] where [Maple Math]

and the Fourier cosine series

[Maple Math] where [Maple Math]

Both of these are examples of general Fourier series.

The Fourier Sine series of f converges to the odd extension of f on [-3,3]

at points of continuity, and to the average of the one-sided limits at jumps:


> B := n -> 2*evalf(Int(f(x)*sin(n*Pi*x/3),x=0..3))/3;

[Maple Math]

> ss := (k,x) -> add(B(n)*sin(n*Pi*x/3),n=1..k);

Warning, `n` in call to `add` is not local

[Maple Math]

> with(plots):

> FP:=plot(f(x),x=0..3,color=blue,discont=true):

> SP:=plot(ss(20,x),x=-3..3,color=red):

> display({FP,SP});

On the other hand, the Fourier cosine series for f converges to the even extension of f on [-3,3]

at points of continuity, and to the average of the one-sided limits at jumps:

> A0 := evalf(Int(f(x),x=0..3))/3;

[Maple Math]

> A := n -> 2*evalf(Int(f(x)*cos(n*Pi*x/3),x=0..3))/3;

[Maple Math]

> sc := (k, x) -> A0 + add(A(n)*cos(n*Pi*x/3),n=1..k);

Warning, `n` in call to `add` is not local

[Maple Math]

> CP := plot(sc(20,x),x=-3..3):

> display({FP,CP});

On larger intervals, the sine and cosine series converge to the periodic extensions of the odd and even

extensions, respectively.

Now, we consider using these sine and cosine series to develop the series solutions

for boundary value problems. First we will study:

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math] , [Maple Math] (ends of the wire held at zero temperature)

First we check our computation of the Fourier coefficients for

the initial temperature distribution function:

> restart;

> f := x -> x*(L - x);

[Maple Math]

> assume(m,integer):

Since the eigenfunctions of the problem are the [Maple Math] , we use a Fourier

sine series to represent the initial temperature distribution:

> b := m -> (2/L)*int(f(x)*sin(m*Pi*x/L),x=0..L):

> b(m);

[Maple Math]

By Dirichlet's theorem, since f( x ) is continuous, we know

that the series [Maple Math] will converge to [Maple Math] for all x in [0, L ].

Let's check this "experimentally". We will define a function of k and x which gives

the k th partial sum of the Fourier sine series:

> S := (N,x) -> add(b(n)*sin(n*Pi*x/L),n=1..N);

Warning, `n` in call to `add` is not local

[Maple Math]

To plot these partial sum functions and compare with [Maple Math] , we will take

> L := 5;

[Maple Math]

> plot({f(x),S(5,x)},x=0..L);

We get very close agreement already with [Maple Math] -- the largest difference is about 0.04:

> plot(f(x) - S(5,x),x=0..L);

Next, we will study the corresponding solution of the heat equation obtained as

[Maple Math]

We take:

> k:=0.1;

[Maple Math]

Once again, to plot, we will need to compute partial sums of this series. Since

the exponential factors go to zero rapidly as n increases (for t > 0 ), we will

only use a few terms of the series for u (adding in more terms changes the results

very little).

> u := (x,t) -> add(b(n)*exp(-k*(n*Pi/L)^2*t)*sin(n*Pi*x/L),n=1..3);

Warning, `n` in call to `add` is not local

[Maple Math]

> plot3d(u(x,t),x=0..L,t=0..50,axes=BOXED);


The slices of this plot in the planes t = const. give the temperature functions at each time.

For instance, the slice [Maple Math] shows the initial temperature [Maple Math] .

Note that as t increases, the temperature at all points of the rod is tending toward zero.

Is this what we expect?

Next, we cosider the BVP:

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math]

[Maple Math] , [Maple Math] (ends of the wire insulated )

Here the initial temperature shows a sharp "spike of heat" concentrated

around x = 2

> f2:=x->10*exp(-100*(x-2)^2);

[Maple Math]

> plot(f2(x),x=0..L);

The eigenfunctions for the equation in the space variable x are [Maple Math] . So, we use

a Fourier cosine series for this example. (N.B. we are integrating numerically here, not symbolically)

> a2 := n -> evalf((2/L)*Int(f2(x)*cos(n*Pi*x/L),x=0..L));

[Maple Math]

> S2:=(N,x) -> a2(0)/2 + add(a2(n)*cos(n*Pi*x/L),n=1..N);

Warning, `n` in call to `add` is not local

[Maple Math]

For this function, we need more terms in the Fourier series before we start to

see good agreement with the function!

> plot({f2(x),S2(50,x)},x=0..L);

The corresponding solution of the heat equation:

> u2 := (x,t) -> a2(0)/2+add(a2(n)*exp(-k*(n*Pi/L)^2*t)*cos(n*Pi*x/L),n=1..50);

Warning, `n` in call to `add` is not local

[Maple Math]

> plot3d(u2(x,t),x=0..L,t=0..10,axes=BOXED);

> plot(u2(x,100),x=0..L,y=0..(0.5));
