Mathematics 135 -- Calculus 1

Exam 3 -- Things to Know

November 18, 2016

General Information

The third full-period exam of the semester will be given in class on Friday December 2. It will cover the material from sections 3 - 10 of Chapter 3 and sections 2 - 4 of Chapter 4. (basically since the last exam, or Problem Sets 6,7 and 8, through the material from Friday, November 18). There will be eight or nine questions (maybe grouped together as parts of larger questions) similar to problems from the quizzes, problem sets, and in-class practice problems so far. Graphing calculators will not be allowed on this exam..

I will be happy to run an evening review session for the exam the week after we return from Thanksgiving break.

Material To Know

You should know the following material.

Good Review Problems:

There is an optional WebAssign Exam 3 review assignment posted. You could also try a good selection of the odd-numbered problems 17 - 107, 115, 117, 119 from the Chapter 3 review and 31, 33, 35, 37, 41, 43, 47, 49, 57 from the Chapter 4 review.

Also see the sample exam questions posted on the course homepage.