Laurie Smith King
Publications (Hardware-Software co-Design)
"Kernel Specialization Provides Adaptable GPU Code for Particle Image Velocimetry",
Nicholas Moore, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Volume 26 Number 4,
pp. 1049-1058,
April 2015.
"Kernel Specialization for Improved Adaptability and Performance on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs)",
Nicholas Moore, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
27th IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2013),
pp. 1037-1048,
Boston, MA,
May 20-24, 2013.
"VForce: An Environment for Portable Applications on High Performance Systems with Accelerators",
Nicholas Moore, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC),
Volume 72 Number 9,
pp. 1144-1156,
September 2012.
"The Challenges of Writing Portable, Correct and High Performance Libraries for GPUs",
Miriam Leeser, Devon Yablonski, Dana Brooks, and Laurie Smith King,
ACM SIGARCH Computer Architecture News,
Volume 39 Issue 4,
pp. 2-7,
September 2011.
"Adaptable Two-Dimension Sliding Windows on NVIDIA GPUs with Runtime Compilation",
Nicholas Moore, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
Symposium on Application Accelerators in High Performance Computing (SAAHPC 2011),
pp. 103-112,
Knoxville, TN,
July 19-20, 2011. (Best Paper on the use of GPUs for Scientific Computing)
"Efficient Template Matching with Variable Size Templates in CUDA",
Nicholas Moore, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
8th IEEE Symposium on Application Specific Processors (SASP),
pp. 77-80,
Anaheim, CA,
June 13-14, 2010.
"Dynamo: A Runtime Partitioning System for FPGA-based HW/SW Image Processing Systems",
Heather Quinn, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing, (Springer),
[Special Issue on: Field-Programmable Technology],
Volume 2, Number 4,
pp. 179-190,
December 2007.
"Writing Portable Applications that Dynamically Bind at Run Time to Reconfigurable Hardware",
Nicholas Moore, Albert Conti, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
2007 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM),
pp. 229-238,
Napa, CA,
April 23-25, 2007.
"An Extensible Framework for Application Portability Between Reconfigurable Supercomputer Architectures",
Nicholas Moore, Albert Conti, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
IEEE Computer,
pp. 39-49,
Volume 40,
Number 3,
March 2007.
"Dynamo: A Runtime Partitioning System",
L. A. Smith King, Miriam Leeser, and Heather Quinn,
The 2004 International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'04),
pp. 145-151,
Las Vegas, Nevada,
June 21-24, 2004.
"Runtime Assignment of Reconfigurable Hardware Components for Image Processing Pipelines",
Heather Quinn, L.A. Smith King, Miriam Leeser, and Waleed Meleis,
2003 IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM),
pp. 173-182,
Napa, CA,
April 8-11, 2003.
"Runtime Execution of Reconfigurable Hardware in a Java Environment",
L.A. Smith King,
Heather Quinn, Miriam Leeser, Demetris Galatopoullos, and
Elias Manolakos,
IEEE International Conference on Computer Design (ICCD 2001),
pp. 380-385,
Austin, TX,
September 23-26, 2001.
Other Presentations (Hardware-Software co-Design)
- (Extended Abstract with Presentation)
"Extenidng Vforce to Include Support for NVDIA GPUs Using CUDA",
Miriam Leeser, Dennis Cuccaro, Nicholas Moore, and Laurie Smith King,
Eleventh Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2008),
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA,
September 23-25, 2008.
- (Extended Abstract with Presentation during the Awards Session)
"Vforce: Aiding the Productivity and Portability in Reconfigurable Supercomputer Applications via Runtime Hardware Binding",
Miriam Leeser, Nicholas Moore, and Laurie Smith King,
Eleventh Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2007),
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA,
September 18-20, 2007.
- (Extended Abstract with Presentation)
"Heterogeneous Processing Element Support for VSIPL++",
Miriam Leeser, Al Conti, Ben Cordes, Nicholas Moore, and Laurie Smith King,
Tenth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2006),
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA,
September 19-20, 2006.
- (Extended Abstract with Presentation)
"VSIPL++ Support for Programming Reconfigurable Supercomputers ",
Miriam Leeser, Al Conti, Ben Cordes, Nicholas Moore and Laurie Smith King,
Reconfigurable Systems Summer Institute (RSSI 2006) Conference,
co-sponsored by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Ohio Supercomputer Center, and the University of Manchester,
held at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL,
July 10-14, 2006.
- (Poster)
"Dynamo: A Runtime Codesign Environment",
Heather Quinn, Miriam Leeser, and L.A. Smith King,
Eighth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2004),
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA,
September 28-30, 2004.
- (Poster)
"Implementing Image Processing Pipelines in a Hardware/Software Environment",
Miriam Leeser, Heather Quinn, and L.A. Smith King,
Sixth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2002),
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA,
September 24-26, 2002.
- (Extended Abstract)
"Accelerating Image Processing Pipelines in a Hardware/Software Environment",
Heather Quinn, Miriam Leeser, and Laurie Smith King,
2002 Military and Aerospace Programmable Logic Devices International Conference
(Fifth annual MAPLD Int'l Conference),
Kossiakoff Conference Center,
The Johns Hopkins University - Applied Physics Laboratory,
11100 Johns Hopkins Road,
Laurel, Maryland 20723-6099,
September 9-12, 2002.
- (Extended Abstract)
"Employing Reconfigurable Hardware in a Networked Environment",
Miriam Leeser, Heather Quinn, and L.A. Smith King,
Fifth Annual Workshop on High Performance Embedded Computing (HPEC 2001),
MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA,
November 2001 (postponed from September 25-27, 2001).
Publications in Other Areas
"Results From Using An Environment for Interpreter-based Projects for the Programming Languages Course",
Barbara Moskal, L.A. Smith King and John Barr,
Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Frontiers in Education (FIE) Conference,
University of Colorado, Boulder, CO,
November 5-8, 2003.
"Preparing to Teach Computer Ethics: Results from the DOLCE Project",
Barbara Moskal, Keith Miller, L.A. Smith King and Tracy Camp,
Proceedings of the 2003 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Annual Conference and Exposition,
Nashville, TN,
June 22-25, 2003.
"Grading Essays in Computer Ethics:
Rubrics Considered Helpful",
Barbara Moskal, Keith Miller, and L.A. Smith King,
Proceedings of the 33nd Annual ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium,
Volume 34, Number 1, pp. 101-105,
Northern Kentucky-The Southern Side of Cincinnati,
February 26- March 2, 2002.
"What Could Be More SLic?: Projects for the Programming
Languages Course,
L.A. Smith King,
John Barr, and Ben Coleman,
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium,
Charlotte, NC,
February 21-24, 2001.
"Issues of Ethics and Responsibility
with Internet Information Quality,
L.A. Smith King,
The Fourth (ETHICOMP'99) International Conference on Social and Ethical
Impacts of Information and Communication Technologies,
Rome, Italy,
October 5-8, 1999.
Project Teams,
Frances Grodzinsky,
L.A. Smith King,
Kay Schultz, Proceedings of the Third Annual CCSC Northeastern Regional Conference,
Vol. 13, No. X,
Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT,
April 24-25, 1998.
Computer Sicence for the Artist, L.A. Smith King,
John Barr,
Proceedings of the 28th Annual ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium,
San Jose, CA,
27 February - 1 March 1997.
"Beyond Computer Literacy",
John Barr, L.A. Smith King,
Proceedings of the First Annual CCSC Northeastern Regional Conference,
Vol. 11, No. 4,
University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT,
19-20 April 1996.
"Multiple Paradigms in CS I",
Chuck Leska, John Barr,
L.A. Smith King,
Proceedings of the 27th Annual ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium,
Philadelphia, PA,
February 15-17, 1996.
"Teaching Programming Languages by Counter-Example",
L.A. Smith King and John Barr,
The Eleventh Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference,
Oct 20-21, 1995.
"An Environment for Interpreter-based Programming Language Projects",
John Barr and L.A. Smith King,
Proceedings of the 26th Annual SIGCSE Technical Symposium,
Nashville, Tennessee,
March 2-4, 1995.
"Interpreter-Based Projects for a Traditional Programming Languages Course",
John Barr and L.A. Smith King,
Proceedings of the Tenth Annual Eastern Small College Computing Conference,
October 21-22, 1994, St. John Fisher College, Rochester, New York.
"An Alternative to Compiler Construction: A Course in Recognition and Translation",
L.A. Smith King and Stephen H. Lucas,
The Journal of Computing in Small Colleges, Volume 9, Number 2,
November 1993.
"Moving Target, Distributed, Real-Time Simulation Using Ada,
W. Robert Collins, Stefan Feyock, Laurie A. King, and Larry J. Morell,
Proceedings of the 1985 Eastern Simulation Conference,
Norfolk, VA,
March 1985.
- (Workshop)
"Interpreter Based Assignments for a Standard Programming Languages Course",
with John Barr (Ithaca College), and
Ben Coleman (The College of William and Mary in VA),
Proceedings of the 32nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,
Charlotte, NC,
February 21-24, 2001.
- (Tutorial)
"Interpreter Based Assignments for a Standard Programming Languages Course",
with John Barr (Ithaca College),
Midwestern Small College Computing Conference (CCSC-MW),
Olivet Nazarene University in Kankakee, IL,
September 28-29, 2001.
- (Tutorial)
"Interpreter Based Assignments for a Standard Programming Languages Course",
with John Barr (Ithaca College),
Northeastern Small College Computing Conference (CCSC-NE),
Middlebury College in Middlebury, VT,
April 20-21, 2001.
- (Workshop)
"Computer Ethics Five Years Later: How Far Have We Come and Where Are We Going?",
with Kay Schultz (The U.S.Naval Academy),
Francis Grodzinsky (Sacred Heart University),
Stephen Grodzinsky (University of Bridgeport),
L.A. Smith King (Holy Cross),
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium,
New Orleans, LA,
March 24-28, 1999.
"Responding to the Challenges of Teaching Computer Ethics",
with Frances Grodzinsky (moderator - Sacred Heart University),
Ed Gehringer (North Carolina State University), Herman Tavani (Rivier College),
The 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education,
pp.280-1, Volume 36, Number 1,
Norfolk, VA,
March 5, 2004.
"Condensing the CC-2001 Core in an Integrated Curriculum",
with Ingrid Russell (University of Hartford),
Michael Georgiopoulos (University of Central Florida),
Jose Castro (University of Central Florida),
Todd Neller (Gettysburg College),
Daniel McCracken (City College of New York),
Dennis Bouvier (Saint Louis University),
Rhode Island College, Providence, RI,
April 24-25, 2003.
"The Effectiveness of Structured Labs in CS1",
with Linda Wilkens, moderator (Providence College, RI),
Frank Ford (Providence College, RI), Laurie Kovijanic (Regis College, MA),
Amruth Kumar (Ramapo College of NJ, NJ), Mark D. LeBlanc (Wheaton College, MA),
Worcester State College,
Worcester, MA,
April 19-20, 2002.
"Teaching Ethical and Social Issues in Computing",
Kay Schultz (The U.S. Naval Academy), Francis Grodzinsky (Sacred Heart University),
Stephen Grodzinsky
(University of Bridgeport), L.A. Smith King (Ithaca College), Susan Stafford
(Simmons College),
The Second Annual CCSC Northeastern Conference,
Northeastern University, Boston, MA,
April 25-26, 1997.
"Women in Computing: What Works and What Doesn't",
Tracy Camp (The University of Alabama), Carol Kneedler, (Prudential Home Mortgage), Cheryl
Lemke (Illinois State Board of Education), L.A. Smith King (Ithaca College),
The UIS Colloquim Series,
University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL,
April 4, 1996.
- An Environment for Interpreter-base Projects for the
Programming Languages Course, NSF CCLI DUE-9952398,
L.A. Smith King and John Barr (co-PI, Ithaca College),
January 2000 - June 2002.
- Developing OnLine Computer Ethics, NSF CCLI DUE-9952841,
Keith Miller (PI, University of Illinois-Springfield), Tracy Camp
(co-PI, Colorado School of Mines), Deborah
Johnson (co-PI, University of Virginia), Laurie Smith King (co-PI), and
Barbara Moskal (co-PI, Colorado School of Mines). In collaboration
with Chuck Huff (St. Olaf's, supported by NSF CCLI DUE-9980768)
June 2000 - May 2004.
Laurie Smith
King, College of the Holy Cross