MuLE Bindings Environment Lab
The SPoc Interpreter.
Some knowledge of BNF grammars, DrScheme and the MuLE environment.
An understanding of how symbols, letters, and values are represented in memory and how variable/value pair bindings in SPoc represent/implement the former theoretical concept. Gain an understanding of how a language program stream is checked for correctness through parsing and the relationship between a grammar which is a language generator and a parser which is a language recognizer/acceptor.
Overview of SPoc and More Generally Imperative Languages
SPoc is an example of a language from the imperative or procedural paradigm. Imperative languages including Ada, C, FORTRAN, and Pascal (and some hybrid languages such as C++) owe some of their design to the ALGOL family of languages.
Imperative or procedural languages generally "consist of a series of procedures (or subprograms or functions or subroutines) that execute when called. Each procedure consists of a sequence of statements, where each statement manipulates data that may either be local to the procedure, a parameter passed in from the calling procedure of defined globally. Local data for each procedure are stored in an activation record associated with that procedure." Imperative languages are simply a more English-like abstraction of the underlying machine. "Machines dictate what imperative languages deal with, and convenience, or ease of programming, motivates the programming style that imperative languages support." This means "the language must allow an underlying assignment-oriented machine to be used directly and efficiently." "Hence, the imperative model was created to mimic, as closely as possible, the actions of computers at the machine language level."
Features often associated with imperative languages include but are not limited to a block structure, sequential execution of statements, assignment statements, data structures, strong scoping rules, strong typing, and statement control flow structures. SPoc only has simple primitive variables and no typing but does have a simple version of most of the features usually attributed to procedural or imperative languages.
Overview of this Laboratory Assignment
This assignment requires modification of an incomplete implementation of SPoc, a simple imperative programming language. In other words, you will undertake to complete the partial implementation of the SPoc interpreter in three phrases.
The interpreter you have been given is fairly complete but lacks several components,
At this point, your SPoc parser can only parse a very bare bones program, such as:
program test declare a $ begin a = 5 $ end
The Details
Phase 1. Finding variable values
You need to write the code for find-pair. This function takes two parameters: a variable- name and a list of (variable-name value) pairs and should return the name-value list (of which the value is extracted by the calling function) of the variable-name parameter, or an empty list if the variable- name does not appear in the list. For example, given 'a and '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)) as parameters your function should return a (a 1) , whereas given 'q and '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)) as parameters your function should return '().
This function is used by SPoc to look up the value of a variable within a block. (Looking through different blocks is already complete and calls this function multiple times for nested blocks.)
Phase 2. Extending Declaration lists
You need to write the code for parse-decl. This is used by the SPoc implementation to parse SPoc variable declarations of the following form.
<decl> ::= declare <id_list> $
<id_list> ::= <id>
<id_list> ::= <id> / <id_list>
This function should use already available functions
get_next_expression and parse-id, to read in the declaration list. Declarations are stored as name-value tuples in a list with the initial value of zero. For example, if the declaration readsdeclare a / b / c $
store the declarations as
((a 0) (b 0) (c 0)). The function should consume the terminating $ but leave the remainder of the input alone. Your function should return a Scheme "DECL" record which contains a list of name-value tuples, or return an "ERR" record if an error occurs during the parse of the declaration list.The skeleton implementation provided parses variable declarations of the following form.
<decl> ::= declare <id_list> $
<id_list> ::= <id>
So your task is essentially to allow SPoc programs to have more than one identifier declared per block. [Hints: Notice that
parse-decl is used to parse declarations for the main program as well as for blocks. One solution is to use a global list variable, decl-list, in the function to "string" together the declaration list, therefore this list had to be "nulled" before the next block.]Phase 3. Extending SPoc arithmetic Expressions
You need to write the code for
<expr> ::= <factor> + <expr> |
<factor> - <expr> |
<factor> * <expr> |
<factor> / <expr> |
<factor> ::= <id> | <no> | ( <expr> )
parse-expression function should use the parse-id function, and built-in Scheme functions to implement a parser for SPoc arithmetic expressions. This function should return the value of the arithmetic expression. Notice this function expects its input to be either an identifier (<id>), a number (<no>) or a list containing the expression. Use Scheme’s list operations (e.g. car, cdr, null?) in writing this parse function. The skeleton implementation provided has been crippled to only accept a number.
An example of what the bindings look like internally
The boldface type is the SPoc program. The italicized lists are the internal bindings environment.
program one
declare a / b $
b = 3 $
((one ((b 3) (a 0))) ())
block two
declare c / d / e $
d = 6 $
((two ((e 0) (d 6) (c 0))) (one ((b 3) (a 0))) ())
e = 8 $
((two ((e 8) (d 6) (c 0))) (one ((b 3) (a 0))) ())
block three
declare a / x $
a = 2 $
((three ((x 0) (a 2))) (two ((e 8) (d 6) (c 0))) (one ((b 3) (a 0))) ())
end $
a = 1 $
((two ((e 8) (d 6) (c 0))) (one ((b 3) (a 1))) ())
end $
Debugging Hints
SPoc includes a print statement so that SPoc variables can be output to SPoc’s transcript window. However, to aid in debugging the SPoc interpreter (or any other interpreter for that matter) two options are available. To print one or more expressions to MuLE’s transcript (SPoc’s interpreter’s transcript) window, use a writeln of the form:
(writeln "stringToOutput" expression) or
(writeln "stringToOutput" expressionList)
This writeln statement is a general scheme function that is defined in the utilities file. It can be used at any time in MuLE’s transcript window or in the interpreter code itself.
To print one expression to SPoc’s transcript window, use a writeln (also defined in utilities.s) of the form:
(send win writeln expression)
This command is implemented in the code for the SPoc window and is a command that the window object itself understands. The command cannot be used in MuLE’s transcript window, but only in the interpreter code.
Part III. What to Turn in
The faculty member using this lab should fill in the details for project submission and perhaps grading details.