MuLE research group, Spring 2000.
Sitting (L to R): Prof. Laurie King (HC), Christian Stoehr (IC)
Standing (L to R): Jamie Scheinblum (IC), Prof. John Barr (IC), Matt Basile (HC), Hanh Pham (IC),
Laura Henry (IC), Rachel Giguere (HC), Matt Rinaldi (HC), Raquel Ruano (HC)
Members of the MuLE team
Principal Investigators
- John Barr Associate Professor, Computer Science, Ithaca College
- Laurie A. Smith King Assistant Professor, Computer Science, College of the Holy Cross
- Ben Coleman PhD candidate, The College of William and Mary in Virginia
(Computer Science B.S. from Ithaca College 1997)
- SLic.s implementation
- SLic Labs
- Barbara Moskal Assistant Professor, Mathematics, The Colorado School of Mines
- Wanda Dann Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Ithaca College
- Course Implementation/ Evaluation Participant
- Eileen Peluso Assistant Professor, Computing and Mathematical Sciences, Lycoming College
- Course Implementation/ Reviewer
Holy Cross Students
- Matt Basile Math Major, College of the Holy Cross (2000)
- Dan Conti Math Major with Computer Science Minor, College of the Holy Cross (2003)
- CVS, Technical support
- Web Page
- MuLE utilities.s debug
- Rachel Giguere Math Major with Computer Science Minor, College of the Holy Cross (2000)
- SPoc.s port from EdScheme to DrScheme, some features
- SPoc Manual Edit
- Sean Harrington Economics Major with Computer Science Minor, College of the Holy Cross (2003)
- Testing
- Document Proofreading
- Raquel Ruano Classics Major with Computer Science Minor, College of the Holy Cross (2000)
- Matt Rinaldi Math Major with Computer Science Minor, College of the Holy Cross (2001)
- SLam.s port from EdScheme to DrScheme, some features
- SLam Manual Edit
- MuLE Manual Edit
- Web Page Scripting
Ithaca College Students
- Laura Henry Math/Computer Science Major, Ithaca College (2001)
- SOOP.s port from EdScheme to DrScheme, several class implementations
- SOOP Manual Edit
- Hanh Pham Computer Science Major, Ithaca College (2002)
- SOOP.s port from EdScheme to DrScheme, several class implementations
- SOOP Manual Edit
- Jamie Scheinblum Computer Science Major, Ithaca College (2002)
- Utilities.s port from EdScheme to DrScheme
- The Launcher
- Christian Stoehr Computer Science Major, Ithaca College (2000)
- Utilities.s port from EdScheme to DrScheme
- The Launcher
MuLE Research Meetings
- Holy Cross team (M.Basile, R.Giguere, R.Ruano, M.Rinaldi) visited Ithaca College January 21-23, 2000
- Ithaca College (L.Henry, H.Pham, J.Scheinblum, C.Stoehr) team visited Holy Cross March 24-26, 2000
- PIs met in Ithaca, NY July 17-20, 2000
- PIs met in MA August 16-20, 2000
- PIs met in MA October 19-22 , 2000
- PIs met in MA February 1-4 , 2001
- PIs met in MA August 16-20 , 2001
- PIs met in MA January 17-20 , 2002
- PIs met in MA May 27-31 , 2002
MuLE Presentations
- L.A. Smith King, John Barr, and Ben Coleman, "Interpreter Based Assignments for a Standard Programming Languages Course", Workshop at the 31st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Charlotte, NC, Friday, February 23, 2001.
- L.A. Smith King and John Barr, "Interpreter Based Assignments for a Standard Programming Languages Course", Tutorial at the Sixth Annual Northeastern Conference (CCSCNE-2001), Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT, April 20-21, 2001.
- L.A. Smith King and John Barr, "Interpreter Based Assignments for a Standard Programming Languages Course", Tutorial at the Annual Midwestern Small College Computing Conference (CCSCMW-2001), Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee, IL, September 28-29, 2001.