Calculus 1, MATH 135-04

Prof. Gareth Roberts

Homework Assignment #3

Due Thursday, September 24, start of class

There are two parts to this assignment, an online component using the program LaunchPad, and a hand-written portion that should be turned at the START of class.

The instructions on LaunchPad may be different than those in the textbook. (You can ignore these differences.) It is recommended that you keep any hand-written work used to complete these problems so that you can learn from it later on and have something to refer to should you require extra help. It is expected that when you login to LaunchPad to complete your homework, you will be working on your own.

The problems to be turned in by hand are indicated below. All problem numbers refer to Calculus: Single Variable (Early Transcendentals) 3rd ed., by Rogawski and Adams. Unless stated otherwise, you should do all parts of a problem (e.g., (a), (b), (c), etc.). You should write up your solutions neatly, making sure to SHOW ALL YOUR WORK. Please staple multiple pages together. Be sure to read the directions to each problem carefully. You are encouraged to work on these problems with other classmates, although the solutions you turn in should be YOUR OWN WORK.

Important: At the top of your written homework, please list the names of any student who you worked with on the assignment.

Section 1.6, pp. 47 - 48
Exercises: 16, 30, 36, 42

Section 2.1, pp. 60 - 63
Exercises: 6, 21, 22

Section 2.2, pp. 70 - 72
Exercises: 4, 5, 6, 50, 55
Note: Give your answers in #4 to 5 decimal places. For #50, you have to compute 6 total limits by approaching from both sides at x = -1, x = 3, and x = 5. For #55, you have to compute 8 total limits by approaching from both sides at x = 1, x = 3, x = 5, and x = 6.