CSCI 343, Computer Graphics, Fall 2023
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Exam 2 Review Topics
The exam will cover chapters 1 - 6, 7.1 - 7.6, and 8.1 - 8.12 of the textbook and
lectures through lecture 20 (Rendering Polygons). Although
you are responsible for all the material taught so far, the emphasis will be on topics
covered since the first exam (i.e. Chapters 5 - 8). You may bring 1 sheet of
8.5 x 11 inch paper with notes on one side for the exam. To help you study, you can try the
Review Problems for exam 2.
Also, the following is a list of topics that
may or may not appear on the exam:
- Viewing
- Camera and Object coordinate systems
- WebGL viewing API
- Viewing using the VRP,VUP and VPN system
- Viewing using flight simulator system (yaw, pitch, roll)
- Projections
- Parallel projections
- Orthographic projection
- Oblique projection
- Perspective projection
- Use of projection matrices
- Using perspective projection to create shadows.
- WebGL projection functions
- Clipping volumes for various projections
- Shading
- The Phong Reflection Model
- Properties of Light and reflection
- Ambient Light and reflection
- Diffuse Light and reflection
- Specular Light and reflection
- Computation of (and normalization of) vectors
- Normal vectors (Using cross products)
- Reflectance vectors (r)
- Types of Shading
- Flat shading
- Smooth shading
- Gouraud Shading
- Phong Shading (With Bilinear Interpolation)
- Specifying shading with WebGL
- Texture Mapping
- Two-Dimensional Texture Mapping
- Mapping texture coordinates onto pixel coordinates
- Mapping 2D textures onto 3D surfaces (e.g. cylinder or sphere)
- WebGL texture Mapping
- Clipping
- Cohen-Sutherland Clipping
- Liang-Barsky Clippping
- Polygon clipping
- Clipping in 3D
- Scan Conversion
- DDA algorithm
- Bresenham Algorithm
- Inside-Ooutside testing for Polygons
- Flood Fill
- Anti-Aliasing
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Computer Science 343, Computer Graphics
Last Modified: November 6, 2023
Page Expires: August 17, 2024