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Assignment 1Due: Thursday, September 14, in class
Problem 1: Long before there were computers, there was graphic design. Painters have been studying how to make realistic pictures for thousands of years. Sometime during the Renaissance artists discovered that for objects in the distance to look realistic, they need to be smaller in size in the painting than objects nearby. Based on your knowledge of the projection system in a pinhole camera (Perspective projection), explain why this is so. Sketch a diagram that illustrates your point. Problem 2: In creating realistic objects, the viewpoint of the observer is as important as the layout of the object. Consider a wire-frame object defined by the following four 3D points (X, Y, Z): p1: (0.5, 0.5, 1)
These vertices are connected with single lines between p1 and p2, p2 and p3, p3 and p4, but not between p4 and p1. Part a: Remembering that, for perspective projection, the coordinates of projection onto an image plane are given by: y = Yd/Z
The 3D coordinates of the object are given by uppercase letters (X,Y,Z) and the 2D coordinates of the projected image are given by lowercase letters (x,y). The distance of the image plane from the center of projection is given by d.
Part b: Now suppose the observer takes a step backward (moving the projection plane and center of projection with her). The coordinates of the 4 vertices are now given by: p1: (0.5, 0.5, 2)
Part c: Briefly describe the differences between the two images in parts a and b. If you had been shown the two images by themselves would you have thought they originated from the same object? How does this illustrate the importance of viewpoint? Problem 3: In this problem, you will generate the coordinates for vertices around a spiral- shaped curve and use these coordinates with openGL to display a spiral. First recall how the (x, y) coordinates of evenly spaced points around a circle can be generated using polar coordinates. The radius of the circle, r, remains fixed while the angle alpha shown below increases from 0 deg to 360 deg around the circle (or equivalently, from 0 to 2*PI radians). The coordinates of the center of the circle are (xc, yc). x = xc + r * cos (alpha) y = yc + r * sin (alpha)
The coordinates for the vertices around a spiral figure can be created by varying the radius r as the angle alpha changes, as illustrated below:
Getting Started
Change the name of the CommonWindows (or CommonLinux) folder to Common. Change the name of gasket1.html to spiral.html Edit spiral.html to change the reference to "gasket1.js" to "spiral.js" in the script tag. Also, add an HTML comment with your name and the date near the top of the spiral.html file. Change the name of the gasket1.js file to spiral.js. Use Javascript comments to add your name and date and assignment number to the top of the file. Modify the spiral.js program to create a WebGL program that displays a spiral:
You will need to use the Math.sin( ) and Math.cos( ) functions from the JavaScript math library. Note that the sin and cos functions in JavaScript require the angle to be specified in radians. If you give alpha and its increment in degrees, you must convert to radians by multiplying by Math.PI/180.0. (Pi is specified in the Javascript math library by the constant, Math.PI) Once you have the code drawing spirals, you can play some neat games. For example, if you use gl.LINES as your drawing type instead of gl.LINE_STRIP, WebGL will not connect every other point. Below is a spiral that was created with 100 vertices, using gl.LINES for drawing, an initial angle alpha of 0 degrees and an angular increment of 35 degrees, an initial radius of 0.02 and increment of r of 0.004, and center coordinates of (0, 0) in the Viewing window. Note that the default center of the viewing window is (0, 0) and the x and y coordinates range between -1 and 1.
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Constance Royden--croyden@holycross.edu