MONT 105S, Spring 2009

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Laboratory 7
Due at the end of today's class

Problem 1: The Game of Eight
The game of eight is a game in which two players take turns choosing a number between 1 and 3. The number chosen cannot be the same as the previous number chosen. For example, if player 1 chooses 1, player 2 can only choose 2 or 3 on the next move. The score is the sum of all the numbers chosen so far. As long as the score is less than 8, the game continues. If a player chooses a number that makes the score equal to 8, that player wins. If a player chooses a number that makes the score go over 8, that player loses. See the end of this lab for sample programs.

You must write two functions to make the program work correctly.

Function 1: isLegal(move, lastMove)
The isLegal( ) function determines whether a given move is legal. It takes two parameters, move and lastMove, that give the values of the current move and the previous move. It checks whether the current move is legal as follows:

Function 2: getWinner(player, sum)
The getWinner( ) function determines who the winner is. If there is no winner yet, it returns zero. If player 1 is the winner, it returns 1 and if player 2 is the winner, it returns 2. It takes two parameters, player and sum, that give the current player and the current sum of all the moves played so far. It determines the winner as follows:

The rest of the program.
You should use the following program skeleton for your program.

#Your program prologue goes here

def isLegal(move, lastMove):
#your code for the isLegal( ) function goes here

def getWinner(player, sum):
#your code for the getWinner( ) function goes here

def getMove(lastMove):
    move = input("Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): ")

    while isLegal(move, lastMove) == False:
        print "That is not a legal move."
        move = input("Please enter a number between 1 and 3: ")
    return move

#The main program starts here.
print "Welcome to the Game of Eight!"
# Initialize variables
lastMove = 0
sum = 0
player = 1

#Player 1 gets the first move
move = getMove(lastMove)
sum = sum + move
print "The score is", sum
winner = getWinner(player, sum)

while winner == 0:              #As long as there is no winner yet
    if player == 1:             #Change the player
        print "Player 2's turn."
        player = 2
        print "Player 1's turn."
        player = 1
    lastMove = move             #save the latest move
    move = getMove(lastMove)    #Get a new move from the current player
    sum = sum + move            #Keep track of the sum of moves.
    print "The score is", sum
    winner = getWinner(player, sum)    #Check for a winner

print "Game Over! The winner is player", winner

The following are examples of the output of a program for playing the game of eight:

Sample program 1

Welcome to the Game of Eight!
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 2
The score is 2

Player 2's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 3
The score is 5

Player 1's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 4
That is not a legal move.
Please enter a number between 1 and 3: 2
The score is 7

Player 2's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 1
The score is 8

Game Over! The winner is player 2

Sample program 2

Welcome to the Game of Eight!
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 1
The score is 1

Player 2's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 2
The score is 3

Player 1's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 1
The score is 4

Player 2's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 2
The score is 6

Player 1's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 2
Your move may not be the same as the last move.
That is not a legal move.
Please enter a number between 1 and 3: 1
The score is 7

Player 2's turn.
Please make a move (enter a number between 1 and 3): 2
The score is 9

Game Over! The winner is player 1

What To Turn In.


Be sure to save a copy of each program on your P:\ drive.