MONT 105S, Spring 2009

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Laboratory 1
Due at the end of today's class

Problem #1.
Write a Python program that asks for a user's name and where they are from. It should then greet the user and tell them their city is a nice place.
A sample session might look like the following

Note: User input is underlined.

Problem #2.
Write a Python program which asks for a length in feet, and then prints out the equivalent length in inches.
A sample session might look like the following:

Note: User input is underlined.

What To Turn In.
A printed listing of each lab program. Be sure that your name is in the program prologue's comment section of EACH program.

Be sure to save a copy of each program on your P:\ drive.
You are responsible for keeping a copy of every program until the graded assignment is handed back.