MONT 104S Perception and VR--Fall 2008
Exam 1 Review
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Topics for Exam 1:
This sheet is intended to help you prepare for the first midterm in this course. The exam will
cover all readings and lectures up through Friday, September 26, Seeing Depth. The exam
will be closed book and closed note. The following list of topics should help you study for the exam.
1. Properties of Light
Light as photons and waves
The frequency spectrum
The eye as a pinhole camera
Perspective projection
Vision as an ill-posed problem
Assumptions made by the visual system
2. The Eye
The lens and accommodation.
The optic disk (What is it?)
Filling in of blind spot.
Photoreceptors: Rods and Cones
The Fovea
Retinal Ganglion Cells
Center-surround receptive fields
3. Central Visual Pathways
Main pathway from retina to extrastriate cortex
Basic structure of retina, LGN and striate cortex
Optic nerve and optic chiasm
Layered structure of LGN and cortex
Two major processing streams (Dorsal and Ventral) and their functions
4. LIghtness, Brightness and Edges
Brightness vs. Luminance
Dark adaptation
Contrast effects
Finding Edges
Craik-Obrien-Cornsweet illusion
Smoothing and Localization of edges
Finding zero crossings
Center-surround receptive fields and zero crossings.
5. Seeing Motion
Causes of Image motion
Uses of image motion for determining scene properties
Neural circuit for motion direction selectivity
Motion processing in V1 and MT
Speed Selectivity, Weber's Law
The aperture problem
Motion adaptation
Motion parallax
Structure from Motion
Biological motion
Seeing where you're going
6. Seeing Color
Wavelength and color perception
Hue, Saturation and Brightness
Trichromatic color theory
S, M and L type cone photoreceptors
Color opponency/Color adaptation
Color opponent receptive fields
Color contrast
Color constancy/ Retinex theory
Color blindness
7. Seeing Depth
Monocular cues to depth
Binocular stereo
Retinal image disparity
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MONT 104S--Perception and VR
Date Created: January 14, 2002
Last Modified: September 26, 2008
Page Expires: September 1, 2009