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Assignment 3, Problem 1--Topic List
Problem 1: Finding research articles on vision topics Each student should research the topic listed next to his or her name: Name Topic Arreola,Edgar R Trichromatic theory of color vision Boerman,Amy J Color constancy Bonnel,Thomas R Attention: Visual Search Buckley,Daniel T Object Recognition Charron,Bethany L Face Recognition Garat,Nicola E Change blindness Hannah,Patrick J Time to contact for a moving object Henry,David C Shape from shading Karout,Christine Kinetic depth effect Major,Eric A Illusory contours Malloy,Elizabeth M Heading Perception Rudnik,Emma L The aperture problem Safko,Emily D Random dot stereograms Scotina,Anthony D Motion of plaid patterns Shenk,Elizabeth M Binocular stereo vision Smith,Ariana V Biological motion perception Sydlowski,Mollie E Ocular dominance columns Home | | Schedule | | Assignments | | Lecture Notes
Constance Royden--croyden@mathcs.holycross.edu