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Final Exam Review Topics
The exam will cover all of the Johnson's textbook,"Computer Ethics, Fourth edition,"
the assigned readings from "Readings in CyberEthics," and all the class sessions
for the entire semester. The exam will be open book, meaning you will be
able to refer to either of the two textbooks during the exam. It will not be open notes. You
should study your notes, handouts, quizzes, reading response questions, the first
midterm exam and the textbooks.
To help you study, the following is a list of topics that may or may not appear on the exam.
In addition, you should study the topics from the first midterm exam.
- Internet Order
- Lessig's four things that regulate internet behavior.
- Types of online crime.
- New versions of old crimes.
- Crimes that could not exist without computers.
- Morality of computer crimes
- Does use of a computer change the morality?
- How to determine morality of new types of crime.
- Features of internet crime (e.g. global, many to many scope, etc.)
- Hackers
- Definitions of "hacker"
- Arguments/counter-arguments for/against hacking
- Computer security
- Value of computer security
- Security in sociotechnical terms (e.g. co-shaping)
- Responsibility for computer security
- Tradeoff between security and privacy
- Methods for providing reliable knowledge in IT society
- Credential system (Traditional publishing / expert reviewing)
- User forums and editing (Wikipedia)
- Freedom of Expression
- Legal and ethical basis of right to free speech
- Reasonable limits on free speech
- How much censorship is appropriate?
- Professional Ethics
- Responsibilities of CS professionals
- Case study--Therac 25
- Professions
- Professions as a social mechanism for managing expertise.
- Pact of professionals with society
- Characteristics of professions
- The paradigm of professions
- Computing as a profession
- Problems with evaluating computing as a profession
- Where computing stands in relation to characteristics of profession
- Types of Professional relationships
- Models of client-professional relationship (e.g. agency, fiduciary, paternalistic)
- Licensing computer professionals
- Example of licensing software engineers
- Difficulties in licensing CS professionals
- Ethics of selling software
- Software as service or product
- Deontology of selling software
- Buying and selling as contractual relationship
- Negligence
- Definition
- Responsibility of computer professionals to keep up to date.
- Professionalism vs. "guns-for-hire"
- Trade off between pleasing employer vs. producing quality/reliable/secure product
- Efficacy and the public trust
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Constance Royden--croyden@cs.holycross.edu
Computer Science 328--Ethical Issues in Computer Science
Last Modified: December 5, 2013
Page Expires: September 4, 2014