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Topics for Exam1: This sheet is intended to help you prepare for the first exam in this course. The following topics have been covered in the first 5 weeks of the course. The exam will cover chapters 1 - 6 and 9 of the textbook, and all of the lectures through the "Loops" section of Lecture 12 on Monday, 2/17/14. It will also cover labs 1 - 4 and projects 0, 1 and 2. Each of the following topics may appear on the exam.
1. Problem solving techniques Divide, Conquer and Glue Abstraction Black box abstraction 2. Basic Syntax Form of C++ program Simple Data types: float, double, int, char Identifiers, Variables and Constants Assignment statements Arithmetic Expressions Precedence rules Associativity Type conversion and Type Casts Calling functions Using C++ libraries 3. Input and Output Filestreams, cin and cout insertion and extraction operators output formatting (setf, setprecision(), setw()) Interactive I/O get(), ignore() File input and output opening and closing files Stream fail states. 4. Conditional Statements Basic syntax Boolean (true/false) expressions Relational operators Logical operators Short circuiting Nested if 5. Switch Syntax Writing cases Using break statements 6. Loops while loops for loops do-while loops event-controlled loops count-controlled loops nested loops
Practice ProblemsThe following problems are intended to help you study for the exam, however topics not covered here may be on the exam as well. Use your text, class notes, labs and assignments to review for the exam as well.1) Consider the following statement:
a) What kind of C++ statement is this?
b) What is the first thing C++ does when executing this statement?
2) Consider the following function declaration:
a) What does the float at the beginning of the line refer to?
b) Write a statement to find the cube of 7.3 and assign the result to a variable named answer.
3) Compute the value of the following expressions: a) 30 / 5 % 4 + 2
b) (17 - 11) / 3 + 3
c) Add parentheses to part b so that the addition is performed before the division.
d) What is the value of the expression in part c ?
4) Write a program that does the following:
2) Input the number from the keyboard 3) Echo print the number 4) If the number is less than 100, write:
5) Otherwise, write:
5) Given these boolean variables:
What is the value (true/false) of each of the following?
ii) !x || !(y && z)
iii) y || (x && !z)
6) What is the output after executing the following switch: int Day = 4; switch (Day) { case 1: cout << "Sunday" << endl; case 2: cout << "Monday" << endl; case 3: cout << "Tuesday" << endl; case 4: cout << "Wednesday" << endl; case 5: cout << "Thursday"<< endl; case 6: cout << "Friday" << endl; case 7: cout << "Saturday" << endl; }
7) Consider the following while loop: sum = 0; count = 5; while (count <= 10) { sum = sum + count; count ++; //show values here } a) Fill in the following table for the values of count and sum each time through the loop (there may be more rows than you need in the table):
b) Write a for loop that does the equivalent to the while loop in 7a.
8) Consider the following C++ source code: int a = 4; int b = 3; float c; c = a/b; a) What is the value of c after executing the above 4 lines?
b) Rewrite the 4th line using type-casts to make C++ perform floating point division for the value of a divided by b.
9) Consider the following C++ code: float x = 7.3; float y = 8.4; ofstream outFile; outFile.open("review.out"); cout.setf(ios::fixed, ios::floatfield); cout.setf(ios::showpoint); outFile << "The value of x*y is: " << x*y; Why isn't the result displayed in fixed point notation, but instead shown in exponential notation?
10) Write a conditional that accomplishes the following: i) If gender is 'F' and height is greater than 70 inches, invite the user to tryout for the women's basketball team. ii) If gender is 'M' and height is greater than 75 inches, invite the user to tryout for the men's basketball team. iii) Otherwise, print out "Basketball is not for you." Start with this code: int height; char gender; cout << "Enter your height in inches: "; cin >> height; cout << "Enter your gender (M/F): "; cin >> gender; //write conditional here.
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Constance Royden--croyden@cs.holycross.edu