Discussion Log Assignment: Project 5 (battleship game) Name: Jane Smith 11/8 15 min http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_game Read the wikipedia page to understand how to play the battleship game. 11/8 10 min http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/beginner/42045/ http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/classes/ Looked at some example code for using 2-D arrays, but none of the code seemed useful. The classes tutorial reminded me how to declare a derived class. 11/9 5 min G. Hopper Talked with my classmate Grace about how to implement the top scores feature. He walked me through the lab 10 code until I understood it, and pointed me at last week's lecture notes for the rest. 11/11 30 min http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/986/ My bubble-sort code still doesn't work, so I borrowed about 30 lines of bubble-sort code from this page. Several of the examples didn't make sense to me, but one of the examples seemed okay so I used that. I had to adapt it to use in my project (the example was sorting alphabetically by name, and I needed to sort by numeric score), but this seemed quicker than trying to fix my own broken code and I am running out of time. 11/12 5 min B. Gates, A. Turing Asked my classmate Bill what the "segmentation fault" error I keep getting means. He didn't know, but Alan did (he took this class last year). He said it probably has to do with accessing off the end of an array or using a pointer that is NULL. He told me to use gdb to find the error in my code, and I did.