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//******************************************************** // board.cc // Author: A good solution writer // Date: April 11, 2014 // Class: CSCI 131 project4, Professor Royden // Purpose: Defines board functions to play tic tac toe. // Functions to clear the board, print the board // Place a marker on a position and determine the winner // Input: (from keyboard) Location to place a marker on the board. // Output: (to monitor) Playing board and who has wone (if game over) //******************************************************** #include <iostream> #include "board.h" using namespace std; //************************************************************************* // void ClearBoard(board playingBoard) // Purpose: Places a space character in each board location // Input: None // Output: None // Pre: None // Post: Every position in the playing board has a space value //************************************************************************ void ClearBoard( /*in out*/ board playingBoard){ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){ playingBoard[i][j] = ' '; } //end for each column } //end for each row } //end ClearBoard( ) //************************************************************************* // void GetSpot(board playingBoard, char which) // Purpose: Gets row and column for move from current player (repeatedly // if move not legal) and places the current player's marker there. // Input: (from keyboard) row and column for move // Output:(to monitor) prompts to user for row and column // Pre: Game is in progress and is not done // Post: Player's mark has been placed for a legal move //************************************************************************ void GetSpot( /*in out*/ board playingBoard, /*in*/ char which) { int good = 0; //0 if move not good, 1 otherwise int row; //row position for move int col; //column position for move while(!good) { good = 1; //Get row and column from player cout << "Player " << which << " - please enter a row and column number for your move ==> "; cin >> row >> col; cout << row << " " << col << endl; //Check for illegal move if ((row < 1) || (row > 3)){ cout << "Illegal row number. Please enter again." << endl<3)){ cout << "Illegal column number. Please enter again." << endl << endl; good = 0; } //end if column out of range else if (playingBoard[row-1][col-1] != ' ') { cout << "This spot is already taken. " << endl; cout << "Please enter a different spot." << endl << endl; good = 0; } //end if already a marker in position else { playingBoard[row-1][col-1] = which; good = 1; } //end else (move is legal) } //end while move not good } //end GetSpot( ) //************************************************************************* // void PrintBoard(board playingBoard) // Purpose: Prints the playing board in the current state // Input: None // Output: (to Monitor) playing board with all values in each position // Pre: None // Post: The playing board has been printed to the monitor //************************************************************************ void PrintBoard( /*in*/ board playingBoard) { cout << endl; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cout << " -------------" << endl; cout << " "; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) { cout << "| " << playingBoard[i][j] << " "; } //end for each column cout << "|" << endl; } //end for each row cout << " -------------" << endl << endl; } //end PrintBoard( ) //************************************************************************* // void DetermineWinner( board playingBoard, int& done, int& Xwins, // int& Owins, int& draws) // Purpose: Determines whether a player has won the game or whether it // is a draw. Increments statistics variables appropriately // Input: None // Output: (to monitor) Player who has one or statement that the game is // a draw, if applicable. // Pre: Game is in progress // Post: Winner has been determined, statistics variables updated // appropriately and done set to 1 if game is done. //************************************************************************ void DetermineWinner( /*in*/ board playingBoard, /*out*/ int& done, /*in out*/ int& Xwins, /*in out*/ int& Owins, /*in out */ int& draws) { char which = 'N'; //Player who wins done = 0; //0 if game not done, 1 otherwise for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if ((playingBoard[i][0] != ' ') && (playingBoard[i][0] == playingBoard[i][1])&& (playingBoard[i][0] == playingBoard[i][2])){ which = playingBoard[i][0]; done = 1; } //end if horizontal three-in-a-row else if ((playingBoard[0][i] != ' ') && (playingBoard[0][i] == playingBoard[1][i] ) && (playingBoard[0][i] == playingBoard[2][i])) { which = playingBoard[0][i]; done = 1; }//end if vertical three-in-a-row } // end for each row and column if (!done) { if ((playingBoard[0][0] != ' ') && (playingBoard[0][0] == playingBoard[1][1]) && (playingBoard[0][0] == playingBoard[2][2])) { which = playingBoard[0][0]; done = 1; } //end if diagonal three-in-a-row else if ((playingBoard[0][2] != ' ') && (playingBoard[0][2] == playingBoard[1][1]) && (playingBoard[0][2] == playingBoard[2][0])) { which = playingBoard[0][2]; done = 1; } //end if other diagonal three-in-a-row } //end if game not done if (done) { cout << "Player " << which << " is the winner!" << endl; if (which == 'X') { Xwins++; } //end if player 'X' wins else { Owins++; } //end else (player 'O' wins) } //end if game done else { //check if any spaces left done = 1; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { if (playingBoard[i][j] == ' ') done = 0; } //end for each column } //end for each row if (done) { cout << "The game is a draw. " << endl; draws++; } //end if game done (its a draw) } //end else (no three-in-a-row) } //end DetermineWinner( )
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Constance Royden--croyden@cs.holycross.edu
CSCI 131: Techniques of Programming
Last Modified: April 11, 2014
Page Expires: August 15, 2014