Student's Name _______________________________
Project Five Grading Specifications
EXECUTION (42 points)
Reads data correctly _______ (5) (from file proj5.dat) Processes customer correctly _______ (7) Displays correctly: Menu _______ (4) The Inventory Display _______ (4) inventory.dat _______ (4) backOrders.dat _______ (4) Echo Printing _______ (2) Manages correctly: Menu Responses _______ (3) Purchase Responses _______ (6) i.e. gives prices, totals Special case purchase respones i.e. Backordered items _______ (3) |
Consistent Indent/Align _______ (2) Good use of white space _______ (2) Proper use of libraries _______ (4) Well-designed Functions: (prototypes, parameters, naming, etc.) class functions _______ (2) for ( L ) _______ (3) for ( P ) _______ (4) for ( I ) _______ (3) for ( B ) _______ (3) for ( Q ) _______ (1) Commenting: File Prologues _______ (3) Function Prologues _______ (2) Commenting Code/Vars/ends _______ (2) Collaboration Log _______ (2) |
Total for EXECUTION: | Total for PROGRAM LISTING: |
TOTAL SCORE FOR PROJECT (75 possible): |
Note: Runtime and Compiletime errors may each cost 50 percent of the project's value.
Computer Science 131
Last Modified: April 13, 2014
Page Expires: September 30, 2014