//    Author:  Constance Royden
//    Date:  April 13, 2014
//    Class: CSCI 131, Professor Royden
//    Purpose: contains constants, typedefs and class definition
//             for the CustomerRec class

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

using namespace std;

const int NAME_SIZE = 25;               //max length for a customer's name
const int ADDRESS_SIZE = 50;            //max address length

typedef char NameType [NAME_SIZE + 1];          //type for customer's name
typedef char AddressType [ADDRESS_SIZE + 1];    //type for customer's address

class CustomerRec {
  CustomerRec( );                                         //Default constructor
  CustomerRec(NameType newName, AddressType newAddress);  //Constructor with parameters
  void SetName(NameType newName);                     //Set name data member to newName
  void SetAddress(AddressType newAddress);            //Set address data member to newAddress
  void GetName(NameType &theName);            //Return customer name (in parameter, theName) 
  void GetAddress(AddressType &theAddress);   //Return customer address (in parameter, theAddress)
  void Write( ) const;                        //Output name and address to standard out
  NameType name;                              //name of customer
  AddressType address;                        //mailing address of customer