College of the Holy Cross, Spring 2021

Math 375 (Probability) Daily Practice Problems

Professor Hwang.

Teaching schedule and office hours.

Last modified: January 25, 2021

Over the semester there will be nine problem sets comprising exercises from the book, distributed separately in Moodle and usually due Monday but occasionally on Friday. Problem sets are due at noon sharp.

The textbook problems listed below are not to be turned in (unless they happen to overlap with an assignment), but are the in-class daily activities we'll be doing.

Week of February 1

February 1 Section 2.3 (pp. 25-26) 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
February 3 Section 2.4 (pp. 32-35) 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20
February 5 Section 2.5 (pp. 39-40) 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34
Section 2.6 (pp. 48-51) 37, 42, 43, 44

Week of February 8

February 8 Section 2.6 (pp. 48-51) 49, 50, 60, 61, 63 (PS 1 due)
February 10 Section 2.7 (pp. 54-57) 71, 72, 74, 77
Section 2.8 (pp. 59-62) 85, 86, 90, 92, 95, 102
February 12 Section 2.9 (pp. 68-69) 114, 117, 120
Section 2.10 (pp. 72-75) 124, 125, 133, 137
Section 2.11 (p. 77) 140, 141

Week of February 15

February 15 Section 3.2 (pp. 90-91) 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 (PS 2 due)
February 17 Section 3.3 (pp. 97-100) 12, 14, 15, 17, 21, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33
February 19 Section 3.4 (pp. 110-114) 35, 37, 39, 41, 42, 45, 49, 51, 59, 61

Week of February 22

February 22 Section 3.5 (pp. 119-121) 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 85 (PS 3 due)
February 24 Section 3.6 (pp. 123-125) 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97
February 26 Section 3.7 (pp. 128-130) 102, 103, 106, 107, 109, 113, 115, 117, 119

Week of March 1

March 1 Section 3.8 (pp. 136-138) 121-123, 125-127, 131, 134, 135, 141 (PS 4 due)
March 3 Section 3.9 (pp. 142-143) 145, 146, 149, 151, 156, 157, 158, 159, 160
March 5 Midterm 1

Week of March 8

March 8 Section 4.2 (pp. 166-169) 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 17, 19
March 10 Section 4.4 (pp. 176-178) 39, 43, 45, 51, 53
  Section 4.5 (pp. 181-184) 59, 66, 67, 73, 77
March 12 Section 4.6 (pp. 189-194) 81, 89, 91, 95, 97, 98, 104, 105, 106, 107 (PS 5 due)

Week of March 15

March 15 Section 4.7 (pp. 197-201) R117, R123, 127, 129, 131, 132, 133
March 17 Section 4.10 (pp. 210-211) 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154
March 19 Section 5.2 (pp. 232-235) 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 (PS 6 due)

Week of March 22

March 22 Section 5.3 (pp. 242-247) 19, 21, 23, 29, 31, 33, 35
March 24 Section 5.4 (pp. 251-255) 43, 45, 47, 49, 53, 57, 59, 63, 69, 71
March 26 Section 5.6 (pp. 261-264) 73, 75, 77, 79, 85, 87 (PS 7 due)

Week of March 29

March 29 Section 5.7 (pp. 268-270) 89, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99
  Section 5.8 (pp. 276-279) 103, 104, 106, 108, 110, 111, 113, 116
March 31 Midterm 2
April 2 Easter

Week of April 5

April 5 Easter
April 7 Section 5.9 (pp. 282-283) 119, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127
April 9 Section 5.10 (pp. 284-285) 128, 129, 130, 131, 132

Week of April 12

April 12 Section 5.11 (pp. 289-290) 133, 134, 139, 140, 141, 143 (PS 8 due)
April 14 Section 6.3 (pp. 307-310) 1, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19
April 16 Section 6.4 (pp. 316-318) 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 35

Week of April 19

April 19 Section 6.5 (pp. 322-325) 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 51, 55, 59 (PS 9 due)
April 21 Section 6.6 (pp. 330-333) 63, 65, 67, 71
April 23 Section 6.7 (pp. 338-340) 73, 74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 85

Week of April 26

April 26 Midterm 3
April 28 Academic Conference
April 30 Section 7.1 (pp. 349-353)

Week of May 3

May 3 Section 7.2 (pp. 364-370) 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 19, 21, 37 (PS 10 due)
May 5 Section 7.3 (pp. 373-377) 43, 45, 50, 51, 53, 55, 57
May 7 Section 7.4 (pp. 25-26)

Expectations for written work