MONT 107Q -- Thinking About Mathematics Ideas for questions -- Interviews/Story Corps at Public Speaking Night, 2/23 1) What were your least and most favorite subjects in high school? How did mathematics fit into that? 2) Which year in school did you like the best? Did your favorite subject in elementary school remain your favorite later? 3) Did you have any especially influential teachers (in a good or bad way)? What were your mathematics teachers like? 4) Have you learned anything in school that seemed stupid or pointless at the time, but that you use now, and were there any mathematical topics that fit that description? 5) Did your decision to apply to college influence your course choices in high school? 6) Do you have any regrets about your education so far? Are you happy with your decision to attend college? Is there anything you would do differently if you could start over? 7) Has school taught you anything particular about life? Is it important to you? When do you feel like you became independent? Are you independent now? 8) When you were young, what careers interested you? How about now?