- 9:00 - 10:00am -- Arrival, light breakfast available in Swords Hall 3rd Floor
Faculty Lounge
- All talks will be held in O'Neil Hall, Room 112
- 10:00 - 10:50am -- John Little, ``Toric Codes''
- 11:00 - 11:50am -- Ira Gessel, ``Symmetric Inclusion-Exclusion''
- 12:00 noon - 1:30pm -- Lunch in Swords Hall 3rd Floor Faculty Lounge
- 1:30 - 2:20pm -- Alin Popescu, ``Statistical Tools for Digital Image Forensics"
- 2:30 - 3:20pm -- Ruth Haas, ``The Combinatorics of Involutions and Twisted Involutions in Weyl groups''
- 3:20 - 4:00pm -- Coffee break
- 4:00 - 4:50pm -- Seth Sullivant, ''Combinatorial secant varieties and symbolic powers''
Directions, Parking and Accommodations
- Driving directions
to the Hogan Campus Center at Holy Cross (location of visitor parking).
- Refer to this campus map.
- All Discrete Math Day events will take place in the O'Neil-Swords-Haberlin Science
Complex (buildings 6-7-8 on the map). The talks will take place in O'Neil 112,
a medium-size lecture hall on the first floor of O'Neil Hall (building 6).
Breakfast and lunch will be served in Swords Hall (building 7) in the
3rd floor Faculty Lounge (Swords 352).
- To get from the visitor parking area (32 on the map)
at the Hogan Campus Center (building 29 on the map) to the Science Complex, you
will take the paths down the hill behind the main Library (building 4) and in
front of Wheeler Residence Hall (building 20) to the entry plaza
between Swords (building 7) and Beaven Hall (building 5). Enter the
Swords Hall atrium from the plaza, walk past the Science Library on your
left, and go up the spiral staircase. The entrance to O'Neil Hall (building 6)
and the location of the talks is on the second floor. Follow the signs to
O'Neil 112 from the second floor landing. The Faculty Lounge is on the third
floor of Swords -- go to the top of the stairs, take a right, and then another
right. The Faculty Lounge is in Room 352.
- Information on local hotels for overnight visitors.
Financial Support
- Students and postdocs traveling more than 50 miles (each way) may apply for
a $50 travel stipend.
- Participants traveling more than 100 miles can apply for lodging reimbursement
up to $100.
- Please indicate when you register if you are applying for travel support.
Other General Information
As with the other Discrete Math Day conferences,
there is no registration fee, but preregistering is strongly encouraged.
To preregister, send an email to Cristina Ballantine
(cballant@holycross.edu), or John Little
For information on financial support, please see above.
About Discrete Mathematics Days in the Northeast
This conference is one of a series of one-day
conferences, titled "Discrete Mathematics Days in the Northeast" and styled
after the earlier "CoNE" meetings. Information on previous meetings
can be found
In the past, Discrete Math Days have been held
at U Mass Amherst, Dartmouth College, SUNY Albany, University of Rhode Island,
WPI, SUNY Binghamton, Bard College, and Skidmore College.
Discrete Math Days are funded in part by the National
Security Agency.
Local organizers
Last modified: November 1, 2006