Holy Cross Mathematics and Computer Science
Course Homepages -- John B. Little
Spring 2020 Courses
Note: At this time, all information posted on these course homepages is
still tentative and under development. I don't anticipate any major changes,
but I also cannot guarantee they will not happen between now and the start of the
Previous Courses
I am generally happy to provide information about courses taught in previous semesters
provided I know, and agree to, how that information will be used. Please contact me at
- Note: The Greek phrase appearing next to the heading of this page is one traditional rendering of
the reported inscription over the entrance to Plato's Academy in Athens
(founded about 387 BCE).
It means (roughly)
Let no one ignorant of geometry enter. This is a reflection of the important
role of geometry in Plato's ideas about knowledge and education.
- My homepage
- Math/CS homepage
- Holy Cross homepage
Last modified: January 9, 2020