MATH 136 Problem Set 1 Grading Instructions Megan, Our grading budget this year only allows for about 5 hours per week per section. So I will only ask you to grade a subset of the problems submitted each time (and I will look at a few additional problems myself). I'm guessing that each of the following problems should take about 1/2 hour for the whole class of ~35 students. If this takes a lot more than 5 hours, or a lot less, please let me know and I will adjust accordingly on the later problem sets. You can experiment with different ways to organize the grading, of course, but I find that I am more consistent if I do the first problem for the whole class, then the second problem for the whole class, etc. The full assignment on this first problem set was: Section 1.1/ 12, 18, 19, 29, 32, 41, 52 Section 1.2/8, 15; Section 1.3/5, 6, 7, 12, 16, 21, 24, 28; Section 1.5/21, 22, 29; Section 1.6/21, 26, 40, 51; Section 2.2/5, 8, 12, 15. Please grade: 1.1/29 -- 2 points (full credit only for something equivalent to "all real x except x = -3, 3." Different forms like: "all real x with x < -3, or -3 < x < 3, or x > 3" OK too) 1.1/32 -- 2 points (same idea as for 29: "all real t with -2 <= t <= 3" or "t >= -2 and t <= 3" OK. Take off one point if they don't include the endpoints -2, 3 and add a note.) 1.1/52 -- 6 points (2 points partial credit for each "piece" of the piecewise definition; take off 2 points if they have the correct formulas but don't give the range of x-values for each one) 1.2/8 -- 6 points (3 for each quadratic function (1 point for each correct coefficient, but it's also OK if they leave the first one in the form q(x) = 2(x - 3)^2 without expanding out.) 1.3/6 -- 3 points (one for correct shift of 2 to right, one for correct vertical stretch of 2, one for putting the x - 2 into the function correctly: 2 sqrt(3(x-2) - (x-2)^2). Don't take off points if they leave it in this form.) 1.3/21 -- 2 points (idea is to take the graph y = |x| and shift 2 units to right -- if they don't explain that but have the correct graph, take 1 point off and add a note.) 1.5/22 -- 2 points (one for C and one for a in the formula) 1.6/21 -- 2 points (if they just solve the equation y = 1 + sqrt(2 + 3x) for x, full credit but add a note about switching the variables. Take off one point if they are doing the right process but make an algebra error.) 1.6/40 -- 2 points (no partial credit on this one, but any correct form is OK; for instance ln(((a+b)(a-b))/c^2) is OK) 2.2/8 -- 9 points (6 for graph, 1 for limit = 1 at 0, 1 for limit d.n.e at pi, 1 for limit does exist for all other x)