- Email:
groberts AT holycross DOT edu
- Office Phone: 508-793-2350
- Office: Haberlin 305
- Office Hours: Mon., Wed. 3 - 4, Tue. 10 - 11 (Math 303 only), 11 - 12 (Math 136 only), Fri. 1 - 2, or by appointment.
- Address:
Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science |
PO Box 48A |
College of the Holy Cross |
1 College Street |
Worcester, MA 01610 |
- Current Position:
Professor of Mathematics in the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA.
- Research: Dynamical Systems, Celestial Mechanics, N-Vortex Problem, Hamiltonian
Systems, Conceptual Climate Modeling, Newton's Method, Complex Dynamics.
I am currently conducting research on central configurations and relative equilibria
in the n-body and n-vortex problems. I am also interested in low-dimensional climate models and sustainability issues.
- My Schedule:
Click here.