Math, Music and Identity

Concert Reviews

Due Date: Each review is due within two weeks of the performance

One of the requirements for the course is to attend two musical performances during the semester and turn in a typed, 1-2 page (double-spaced) review of each concert. The purpose of these reviews is to enhance your musical appreciation, to support your fellow students and the arts, to notice and describe any possible connections to course material, and to further develop your writing skills. The concerts should focus on classical or jazz music, and are not restricted to solely Holy Cross events. Concerts hosted by other colleges or by Music Worcester are also fine to attend for this assignment. A list of events hosted by the HC music department is available here.

Note: For each concert, you are expected to attend the entire performance.

In your review, be sure to include the following information:

  1. Basic background information about the concert, including the location, date, performers, pieces, composers, etc. You do not have to do research on any particular piece unless you feel that it is needed to strengthen your review. Some concerts include programs with detailed comments on the works performed.

  2. Your overall opinion of the concert, including specific strengths and weaknesses.

  3. Some connection to course material, either from this semester or the previous one. This may be challenging to elaborate upon, but as a last resort, you can always discuss the tonality of a piece (major, minor, modern, atonal, etc.).
Some sample reviews from a previous course and the Worcester Telegram & Gazette are available from the course webpage. Each concert review is worth 2.5% of your overall grade in the course.

Note: If you are performing in a classical or jazz group on campus, then you are most welcome to write about a particular concert from your perspective as the performer, although you should also strive to address the three items described above.