MONT 105S, Spring 2009

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Laboratory 10
Due at the end of today's class

A Simple Game Graphic

In this lab, you will create a game window with a graphic background. A sprite will move in a square pattern on the background.

Before you begin, download the following images into the same folder that will have your python program in it. (You can download an image by right-clicking and choosing "Save image" from the menu).

Writing the main program
Start by importing the games package from livewires:

Next, write a main program that does the following: The above program should create a Mario character on the background image. The Mario sprite will move to the right until it disappears off the edge of the screen.

Writing the Mario class.
Next, write a Mario class. The class definition should come immediately after the "from livewires import games" line and before the main program. This class should inherit from the Sprite class, so your class should begin with the line:

Your Mario class should have a single function, named update, as follows: The update function will cause the Mario sprite to move in a square, using the following logic: Once the class is written, change the sprite in the main program so that it is an object of type Mario (instead of games.Sprite).

Test your program. If correct, the Mario sprite should move in a square on the screen background.

What To Turn In.


Be sure to save a copy of each program on your P:\ drive.