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Re: ePix: rotated text labels?

Kostas Pagiamtzis <pagiamt@eecg.toronto.edu> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm playing around with ePiX and I really like it. It has everything I
> need except that I can't figure out how to rotate text labels. Is this
> possible? A Google search
> <http://www.google.com/search?q=epix+%22rotated+text%22> didn't turn up
> anything.
> Thanks,
> Kostas

I'm sure there are other ways, but you could use the LaTeX package
"rotating".  Just run epix, elaps, etc., with the option 
"-p rotating".
\begin{rotate}{30} Text text \end{rotate}
for example, will rotate the text by 30 degrees.  I used this to
label a "Big Wheel" for my trig class.  One such label was

  "\\begin{rotate}{30} \\scriptsize $\\pi/6$ radians $=30^\\circ$\\end{rotate}");
