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LATEX Errors

A few things can cause LATEX to stop with an error message when reading an eepic file written by ePiX. The most common is the appearance of nan (not a number) where LATEX expects a number. This generally indicates division by zero or bad exponentiation.

When a number is very small, ePiX may write it in exponential notation. If this happens, LATEX will pause with an error message when it tries to read, e.g., 1.4142135e-14. This bug has been addressed; please send the author a bug report if you encounter this behavior in ePiX code. You can manually edit the eepic file, replacing underflows with 0. In this eventuality, it's wise to rename the edited file, lest ePiX overwrite your changes the next time you run it.

Overflow errors in LATEX are possible if a point has coordinates larger than $ 2^{16}$; make sure you're not trying to plot the graph of a pole or something similar.

Andrew D. Hwang 2004-09-04